

 毛線教學 之 如何織出可愛小烏龜的吊飾來裝飾呦


OK, 圖就勉強看一下DD的亂畫好嗎~嘻嘻~



MR = Magic Ring, sl st = Slip Stitch, ch = chain,

inc = increase/crochet 2 single crochet in one stitch,

dec = decrease/crochet 1 single crochet over two stitches,

FLO = front loop only, BLO = back loop only

Stuff = put poly-filling inside the body


(1) MR6 or chain 6 and slip stitch to the first of chain=6
, change color to light pink yarn.

(2) chain 1, increase from 6 to 12 stitches, do this 6 times *INC*

, change color back to regular pink yarn.

*** below, every last single crochet in the increase use light pink ***

(3) chain 1, increase from 12 to 18 sts, do this 6 times *1sc, INC*

(4) chain 1, increase from 18 to 24 sts, do this 6 times *1sc, 1sc, INC*

*** below, use only regular pink yarn ***

(5) chain 1, FLO (front loop only), 1 single crochet in each stitch.

*** below, start decreasing, but use light pink yarn only ***

(6) attach light pink yarn, BLO (back loop only),

      decrease from 24 to 16 stitches, do this 8 times *1sc, DEC*

*** STUFF ***

(7) decrease from 16 to 8 sts, do this 8 times *DEC*

(8) decrease from 8 to 4 sts, do this 4 times *DEC*, finish off.


Head, MR6, 12, 12, 8, 4, Finish

Feet, chain 4, sc in last 2nd chain, two more single crochet to form a row,
chain 1 and turn, three more single crochet and finish with a tail to sew on.

Tail, chain 5, sc in last 2nd chain, and two more singel crochet, slip stitch in last,
and finish with a tail to sew on.

Sew all parts on the body and embrod the eyes, sew the lanyard last!



(1) 粉紅色, 6 針鎖針, 回到第一個鎖針做拉拔針, 形成一個圓形,

(2) 在每一個鎖針上鉤二個短針, 從原本的六針變成了12針了,

(3) 重覆以下六次, *1短針, 2短針在下一個位置, 從原12針變成18針了,

(4) 重覆以下六次, *1短針, 1短針, 2短針在下一個位置, 從原18針變24針了,

(4) 只要鉤前面那條(FLO)在每一個鎖針上鉤 1個短針, 同樣都是24針一圈,

(4) 接上淺粉紅的線在剛剛第三排的起點, 鎖針1, 這次只鉤裡面那條(BLO),
   重覆以下六次, *1短針, 減針(短針2針一起), 從原24針變16 針了,

---- > 放入棉花嘍 < ---

(8) 重覆以下六次, *1短針, 短針2針一起*, 從原16針變成8針了,

(9) 減針, *短針2針一起* 4次, 從原8針變成4針了, 結束(拉拔針+鎖針結束)


烏龜的頭: (看上面織圖)

一樣先起六針成圓形, 第二排增為12針, 第三排保持12針, 第四排減為8針, 最後最成4針結束!


烏龜四隻腳: (看上面織圖)

起四針鎖針, 往回鉤三個短針, 1鎖針轉面再三個短針, 結束, 記得留一點線來縫到身體喔!


起五針鎖針, 往回鉤三個短針及最後一個鎖針並結束, 以上全部縫到身體上就好了~!




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